Monday, May 23, 2011

let the day begin

today is day #2 on our loverly HCG diet. Neltje's got the flu, I've got a headache, and Kristie is probably feeling just as happy. These illnesses are completely unrelated to the HCG, but make the whole trek even more enjoyable.

I just think about how I'll look after this, and it makes starvation less painful.


let the day begin

today is day #2 on our loverly HCG diet. Neltj.-nes these are completely unrelated to teh HCGe's got the flu, I've got a headache, and Kristie is probably feeling just as happy.

I just think about how I'll look after this, and it makes starvation less painful.


Wednesday, May 18, 2011


It all started when I looked in the mirror and thought, "Uh-oh".

That's never good.

This is the purpose of this blog. Cecilly, (maybe Kristie) and I are going to document our adventure of going on a diet. We chose the HCG diet. It's going to be rigorous, it's going to be hard.

But so worth it.

I imagine that someone will post about what HCG is.

Anyways-this post is mostly why I am doing a diet. And the worst part is--it's getting hot. It's getting hot in here--you know the rest.

And when it gets hot, you sweat. And more if you are chubby.

I got into a discussion with Carlos and he said--you are perfect the way that you are. And sure, I love myself. But I also HATE myself.

I don't look at other people and think, "I want to be as skinny as them."

I look at myself and think, "I am so uncomfortable the way that I am." This was brought to my attention when Cec showed me a lil' treat of pictures. It showed how people's faces change. I was horrified.

This is going to be an amazing journey. Follow us so you can see what we are up to. It will probably be lamenting about food that we can't have--but hopefully we have fun along the way. And shed some pounds!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011